8/24 Parashat Eikev

Parashat Eikev
You have to be specific when you repent.
This weeks Parshah, Ekev, continues Moses’ preparation of The Israelites for their entry into The Holy Land. The considerations are eminently practical with instructions and reminders about agriculture, military conquest, and communal worship of God on the other side of the river.
Moses also takes some time to revisit the history of B’nai Yisrael during their movements through the desert from Egypt to Moab. As Moses receives the second set of tablets from God, he reminds his people how he intervened on their behalf, to save them from God’s wrath when the first set of tablets were shattered in disgust at the worship of the Golden Calf.
During this ‘history lesson’ Moses mentions THREE specific places — Taberah, Massah, and Kibroth-hataavah — where the Israelites rebelled against God and regretted leaving Egypt. Each of these places is given as a specific reminder of how the Israelites broke faith with God and forgot the miracles done for them in the exodus from Egypt, and the sustenance God provided on their journey through Sinai.
It is telling, that when reviewing their ‘sins’, Moses does not give a vague or generalized critique, but rather gives the NAMES of each of the places, so that the Israelites can recall the SPECIFIC details of where and how they ‘missed the mark.’ This parshah is read each year in the weeks leading up to the Ten Days of Repentance. I believe this passage, that specifically details the sins of the people is meant to remind US that when we seek repentance and forgiveness for our own failings, we should not simple ask for overly broad relief.
Instead of saying “If I did anything to wrong you, please forgive me”, we should instead be more transparent and honest, asking “I know I wronged you by my actions. I regret what I did, and pledge to do all that I can never to repeat it.” This is why we have a lengthy and very detailed vidui/confession (For the sin we have committed by…..) that we recite throughout the Holy Day. Though it is more difficult to say, and possibly more painful to admit, it is important when approaching God and others this Yom Kippur, to be specific when seeking atonement.